Showing posts from August, 2021

8 Choices of Juices That Can Help Overcome Low Blood Pressure

Treating low blood pressure (hypotension) is not only through drugs. You can work around this by eating foods for people with low blood pressure, su…

Can Fish Oil Lower Cholesterol?

Although the body needs cholesterol, but if the levels are excessive then it is not good for health. High cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. To overcome this, you can tak…

Drinking Coconut Water, What Are the Benefits for Heart Health?

Coconut water is rich in electrolytes that are beneficial for the body. This natural drink is usually consumed to improve the body's fluid balan…

Can Cholesterol Patients Eat Beef?

People with high cholesterol levels should be careful in choosing the right foods to eat. The reason is, eating a little bit of certain types of food can have a bad effect on cholesterol levels in th…

11 Recommended Fruits That Are Beneficial for Your Heart Health

Heart disease is still a major health threat. According to data from the Ministry of Health, heart disease is the second highest cause of death in In…

List of Blood-boosting Foods for Anemic People (Plus the Abstinence)

There are various causes of anemia, ranging from iron deficiency to genetic (hereditary) problems. When diagnosed with anemia, the process of deliver…