8 Choices of Juices That Can Help Overcome Low Blood Pressure

 Treating low blood pressure (hypotension) is not only through drugs. You can work around this by eating foods for people with low blood pressure, such as intake of salt and fruit. Well, to be more delicious, you can consume fruits in the form of juice. So, what fruits or juices can you consume to treat low blood pressure or hypotension?

A wide selection of juices to treat low blood pressure

Hypotension is a condition when your blood pressure is below normal. The causes of low blood pressure can vary, ranging from dehydration, pregnancy, the emergence of allergic reactions (anaphylaxis), certain nutritional deficiencies that cause anemia, to various heart diseases.

To treat low blood pressure, you need to treat the condition that causes it. Therefore, you need to know what causes hypotension and then choose the right way to deal with it. As for one way to help overcome hypotension is to consume juice.

For reference, here are some juices that you can consume to help treat low blood pressure.

1. Watermelon juice

Watermelon contains 92% water. Therefore, one of the benefits of watermelon is to help hydrate the body and overcome dehydration that causes hypotension. This fruit also contains lycopene, which is an antioxidant compound that is good for maintaining a healthy heart and blood vessels.

2. Beetroot juice

Not only for high blood pressure, beetroot juice is also good for those of you who suffer from hypotension. Cleveland Clinic says, beets contain folate, which is a type of B vitamin that is important for pregnancy.

Folate content can help the formation of red blood cells so as to prevent the body from anemia, which is one of the causes of hypotension. Therefore, meeting the intake of folate through beetroot juice can be an option for those of you who suffer from low blood pressure.

3. Orange juice

It is no stranger that one of the nutritional content of oranges is vitamin C. A person who lacks vitamin C is at risk of developing anemia which can cause hypotension. In addition, oranges are also one of the fruits that are rich in folate as well as beets. consuming oranges can be one way to overcome hypotension.

4. Lemon Juice

Just like oranges, lemons are also included in the citrus group. Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, which can prevent anemia and help hydrate the body. In addition, lemon contains potassium which can help control blood pressure. Therefore, consuming lemon juice can also be one way to treat hypotension.

5. Banana juice

Bananas are one of the fruits to control blood pressure because of their potassium content. However, not only that, bananas also contain folate and vitamin C which can help overcome low blood pressure due to anemia. In order to get these benefits, you can directly eat bananas or consume them in the form of juice.

6. Avocado juice

Not only delicious, avocado juice is very beneficial for the body. One of the benefits of avocado and fruit juice is that it helps control blood pressure, making it good for people with hypotension. The folate content in avocados can help overcome anemia which can cause hypotension. In addition, the antioxidant content in it is also good for maintaining the health of your blood vessels.

7. Date juice

Dates juice is popular for treating various health problems, one of which is low blood pressure. This can happen because of the iron content in dates. Iron deficiency can prevent the body from producing enough red blood cells, which can lead to hypotension.

8. Spinach juice

It's not just fruit that you can juice. Spinach juice can also help you deal with low blood pressure. The reason, spinach is rich in folate, iron, and antioxidants.

To make juice from spinach, you can first boil these vegetables. Because the folate content of boiled spinach is higher than raw spinach.

According to the National Institutes of Health, 1/2 cup of boiled spinach contains 131 mcg of folate, while one cup of raw spinach has only 58 mcg. To make it more delicious, you can mix this spinach juice with honey or fresh fruits, such as lemons, oranges, bananas, or others.

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