Want to be slimmer? Reduce Consumption of Processed Foods

Many women crave a slim and ideal body. However, among them there are still many who consume processed foods or processed foods, such as nuggets, sausages, or chips, so that they are practical and fast. If you are among those people, you should from now on reduce the habit of consuming processed foods so that your diet works well.

Most processed foods contain excess sugar, salt, oil, or fat. Not only that, usually these products also contain chemicals that are not necessarily good for the body, such as developers, flavor enhancers, or preservatives. In addition to causing obesity, often eating foods that contain lots of sugar and salt, can increase the risk of dental disease, heart disease, and diabetes.

What Are Processed Foods?
Processed foods are generally foods that are packaged in cans or plastic, frozen, baked, dried and other packaged foods that are found in supermarkets. Candy, chips, cakes, instant noodles, nuggets, canned or cut vegetables, and canned fruit are examples of processed foods or processed food products.

Initially, processed foods such as sausages, actually not made for busy people who need practical food. This type of food is intended for soldiers who have difficulty accessing fresh food on the battlefield. If consumed in excess, this food is very dangerous because it has a high content of salt, fat, and sugar, so that the risk of causing various diseases, such as stroke due to hypertension.

Not just sausages, some brands of margarine that are often thought to be healthy also contain trans fats which can increase bad cholesterol. In fact, a bottle of tomato sauce can contain excessive salt and sugar. Calories in the body will increasingly accumulate if you pour this sauce on french fries or burgers, and eat it.

Why Are Processed Foods Not Recommended?
Basically, the body needs sugar, salt, or fat in order to function properly. However, the amount is not excessive, as is often found in processed foods. For example, a slice of pizza bread can contain 830 milligrams of sugar, 21 grams of fat, and 4 different types of sugar.

In addition, the study found that most people who routinely consume processed foods, get sugar intake exceeds the recommended maximum limit. Therefore, to avoid health problems, ideally you consume food with fresh ingredients. The freshest food is food purchased from local farmers and breeders, so the vegetables or meat to be consumed do not contain preservatives when they reach you.

How to Limit Consumption of Processed Foods
Not all processed foods are bad, you also don't have to stop eating processed foods. The middle way is to combine processed foods with fresh food. For example adding bottled salad dressing to a vegetable or fruit salad that you process yourself, eating packaged yogurt with fresh fruit, or eating whole-grain cereals mixed with fruit.

Checking the contents on the label also needs to be done so you know how much sugar, salt, or fat content in the food. To find out the highest level of sugar, salt, or fat in a food product, see the guidelines below:

  • Total fat: more than 17.5 grams of fat per 100 grams.
  • Sugar: more than 22.5 grams per 100 grams.
  • Saturated fats: more than 5 grams per 100 grams.
  • Salt: more than 1.5 grams per 100 grams.

In addition to reducing processed foods, make sure you follow a diet with balanced nutrition, and don't forget to drink plenty of mineral water instead of bottled soft drinks, like soda, bottled juice, packaged teas, and usually high-sugar milk boxes. No less important, balance your diet with exercise. By doing these things, you can enjoy food without worrying about your waistline expanding and the dangers of the disease behind it.

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