Food Causes Increased Gastric Acid

Foods that cause acid reflux are foods that you need to avoid, if you suffer from heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). These foods will provoke the production of excess stomach acid, making stomach acid easy to rise and cause heartburn, accompanied by a burning sensation at the bottom of the chest.

Increased gastric acid in stomach ulcers and stomach acid disease, can cause the mouth to feel bitter or sour. Sour or bitter taste in the mouth and throat can last for several minutes to several hours. In addition, there is pain in the gut, as well as other symptoms that are very disturbing. Therefore, it is important for you to pay attention and adjust your diet as well as possible, to prevent stomach acid from rising.

Avoid Consumption of These Foods
Here are some foods that cause acid reflux that should be avoided:

Fried or fried foods, including foods that cause stomach acid rise. Its high fat content can cause reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus.

Fruit that tastes sour
Avoid oranges and processed foods, such as orange juice, and other fruits that taste sour. The acid content in these fruits can cause heartburn that feels like burning, and is strongly associated with ulcers. This burning sensation especially occurs if you eat fruit with a sour taste when the stomach is empty.

Spicy food
Like sour fruit, spicy food is also a food that causes stomach acid to rise. The spicy taste triggers heartburn and a burning sensation in the chest. Reduce foods that contain chili or pepper. However, it would be better if you do not consume it at all.

Too bad this delicious food should also be avoided by those of you who don't want stomach acid to rise. Chocolate is high in fat and cocoa which causes reflux. The theobromine and caffeine content in chocolate also causes reflux. Actually dark chocolate (dark chocolate) contains fewer substances that cause reflux. However, to be safer, you should avoid it first until you are completely free from the risk of stomach acid.

Fatty meat
Fatty meat, including foods that cause stomach acid, because meat with high fat content usually stay longer in the stomach. This is what stimulates stomach acid production. If you still want to eat meat, discard the fat part and consume it only once a week, to reduce the risk of stomach acid rising.

High-fat dairy products
If you continue to experience stomach acid problems, avoid all fatty foods, including foods made from high-fat milk. Choose low-fat milk to complement your daily nutritional needs. It's okay to keep consuming high-fat dairy products, as long as it's only used as a food flavoring, not the main ingredient.

In addition to several types of food above, there are also drinks that should be avoided. Soda drinks and other carbonated drinks, contain gas bubbles which will make the stomach stretch. The pressure from these bubbles also causes stomach acid to rise. In addition, soda is acidic, thus increasing the risk of increased stomach acid.

If you consume coffee that contains caffeine once in a while, maybe at that time you did not feel anything. However, if taken regularly, it can increase the chance of having an ulcer. Preferably, before an increase in stomach acid, replace coffee with chamomile tea or green tea.

Eat Healthier Foods
In addition to avoiding the foods mentioned above, to prevent stomach acid from rising, consume foods that are good for the stomach, namely:

Besides being low in fat, vegetables can also reduce stomach acid. Choose green vegetables like broccoli, cucumber, cauliflower, and other green vegetables.

Oatmeal can absorb acids thereby reducing the symptoms of reflux. Not surprisingly, because oatmeal is whole wheat which is a source of fiber.

Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties, so it can reduce pain due to inflammation in the stomach. Combine ginger slices in drinks or boil ginger in the drinks you make, then consume so the stomach feels more comfortable.

Egg whites
Choose protein in the form of egg white, because this part is low in fat and does not cause the risk of heartburn due to increased stomach acid. Conversely, avoid egg yolks that contain high fat because it can trigger symptoms of reflux.

Healthy fat
Not all fat is bad. After all, the body also needs fat to carry out its functions properly. Choose foods that contain healthy fats, such as avocados, walnuts, sesame oil, and olive oil.

It's not easy to avoid foods that cause stomach acid to rise, because it tastes good and may have become your favorite food. However, it is wise to choose foods to avoid stomach ulcers, because the increase in stomach acid can cause serious complications. If necessary, consult a doctor to ascertain the type of food you need to avoid.

Healthy Eating for Women

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