Open Your Heart For Valentine's Day With 6 Yoga Poses

Warrior 1 Pose
Warrior 1 looks like it's all in the legs, but your upper body gets an awesome stretch as well.

  • Begin in Downward Facing Dog. Step your right foot forward between your hands. Turn your left heel in, press into your feet, and lift your torso up.
  • Lift your arms up and press your palms together. Draw your shoulder blades down toward your hips and gaze up at your hands.
  • Stay here for five breaths. Then come back to Downward Facing Dog, step your left foot forward, and do Warrior 1 on the other side.
  • Know your limits & don’t try to overstretch which can injure you.

To find out how to get into it
  • Begin in Downward Facing Dog, with both hands and feet pressed firmly into the floor.
  • Then step your right foot forward between your hands. Turn your left heel in, press into your feet, and lift your torso up. You want your right foot to be slightly to the right of the center of your mat (not directly in front of your left heel). With this positioning, your hips can be parallel with the front of your mat. You can place your hands on your hips, and gently direct your right hip back and your left hip forward. This is called squaring your hips.
  • Once your hips are square, lift your arms up, and press your palms together. Draw your shoulder blades down towards your hips and gaze up toward your hands.
  • Stay here for five breaths. Then come back to Downward Facing Dog, step your left foot forward and do Warrior 1 on the other side.

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