The value of exercise to cancer patients

In most cases, sports and movement in general should not be interrupted when one is diagnosed with cancer, experts say. This is because it has been found that as soon as the disease is diagnosed, the exercise of patients is significantly reduced to 30%.

Inactivity is one of the biggest mistakes one can make as it is scientifically documented that it is important for people suffering from some form of cancer to exercise and move constantly. Unfortunately, many are afraid to continue exercising as they think it will do harm to their physical condition, although the opposite is the case, as the strength and strength of the patients are enhanced by sport, while stressful hormones that cause aging of the cells, they are reduced naturally. Even a short, mild exercise program at home can make a difference if someone mistakenly believes that they should not be exercised vigorously.

But the benefits do not stop there as it is known and proven that exercise can make cancer chemotherapy more tolerable, reducing the stress and nausea that often accompanies it. It is no coincidence that in recent years all experts have highlighted the value of movement and exercise among cancer patients. Of course, we also mention the contribution of exercise to cancer prevention as it contributes to a healthy lifestyle and combats various aggravating factors. As experts say, systematic gymnastics is a "miracle therapy" that helps us to be healthy at all ages and keep the illness away.

In any case, however, the patient should consult his or her physician before deciding to choose a particular type of exercise and discuss with him the intensity and frequency.

The Top 10 Benefits of Regular Exercise

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